Usually when I get a chain letter in my in-box I immediately  delete them, but this one was from my mom who is a trusted source so I decided to read it. I am kind of glad I did because it is rather humorous and true. I wish I could give credit to someone but seeing as I am not sure how chain letters start, I am going to say that a magical unicorn that lives in a land where there are double rainbows everyday and a lake made of lucky charms is responsible for chain letters.

Here is the list, You're from Colorado if;

You'll eat ice cream in the winter.

It snows 5 inches and you don't expect school to be canceled.

You'll wear flip flops every day of the year, regardless of temperature.

You have no accent at all, but can hear other people's. And then you make fun of them.

‘Humid' is over 25%.

Your sense of direction is: Toward the mountains, Away from the mountains, Mountains are on the Left or Mountains are on the Right.

You say 'The Interstate' and everybody knows which one.

You think that May is a totally normal month for a blizzard.

You buy your flowers to set out on Mother's day, but try and hold off planting them until just before Father's day.

You grew up planning your Halloween costumes around your coat.

You know what the Continental Divide is.

You don't think Coors beer is that big a deal.

You went to Casa Bonita as a kid, and as an adult.

You've gone off-roading in a vehicle that was never intended for such activities.

You always know the elevation of where you are.

You wake up to a beautiful, 80 degree day and you wonder if it's going to snow tomorrow.

You don't care that some company renamed it, the

Broncos still play at Mile High Stadium!!!

Every movie theater has military and student discounts.

Everybody wears jeans to church.

You actually know that ** South Park ** is a real place not just a show on TV.

You know what a 'trust fund hippy' is, and you know its natural habitat is Boulder

You know you're talking to a fellow Coloradoan when they call it Elitches, not Six Flags.

A bear or Mountain lion on your front porch doesn't bother you.

Your two favorite teams are the Broncos and whoever is beating the crap out of the Raiders.

When people back East tell you they have mountains in their state too, you just laugh.

You go anywhere else on the planet and the air feels 'sticky' and you notice the sky is no longer blue.

You can experience all four seasons in one day!

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