First, there was the Shake Wight. Then came the Free Flexor. Apparently those just weren't suggestive enough.

A Korean company is now offering the 'Ace Power Horse Riding Fitness Product'. The promo video seems to tout the machine gives you the same muscular benefits of horseback riding. But the up-close crotch thrusting reminds me a much more intimate hip-thrusting activity. Check it out below.

I owe you a Slurpee if you can make it through the whole thing without cracking up.


I want to be there when some poor sap buys this for his wife and has to explain himself.

"Well honey, I really thought you needed some help with your horseback riding, I swear!"

I feel like they should have just marketed this as a 'sex workout machine', I might take it a little more seriously.

Now the big question, how many of you are laughing at this and at the same time secretly wishing you could try it out?

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