It's well past that time of year.

This first freeze is coming. It's not forecast, but it has to be here sometime. In Colorado, it's inevitable. That's how I know it's coming.

One wouldn't be able to tell from the weather we've been having. The picture above is my case in point. That mild weather pic was taken this weekend as we enjoyed an afternoon in the park.

When it does finally arrive, it might be more than a month after the average time of year that the first freeze normally arrives. Usually it comes with October. According to Colorado State University, the first frost has a 10% chance of happening by September 18, a 50% of happening by October 3 and a 90% chance of happneing by October 17. Here we are, on the cusp of November and I'm still pulling tomatoes out of my garden.


As the worst hurricane in history hits Mexico, an earthquake is crushing parts of Asia, we are experiencing an Indian summer that would make Pocahontas sweat. Are these strange weather phenomenon caused by global warming?

Who knows? What I do know is that for the next week or so, the overnight temps will almost reach freezing, if the forecast from our friends at Stormstation 7 hold true. And when the freeze finally does come, it will be at least a full month late.

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