Last night's hail and thunderstorms have caused the National Weather Service to extend their flood advisory through Saturday afternoon at 2:45 pm.

If you were able to sleep through the deafening thunder and the pelting of hail against your roof last night, I envy you. As good as that rain may be for area vegetation, it certainly did no favors to those worried about the Poudre and Big Thompson rivers flowing over their banks.
High water along the Poudre River has closed at least two roads in Weld County already.

Part of 71st Avenue in Greeley is closed where it crosses the Poudre River because it is covered with water.

In Windsor, the area near Riverplace Drive and 7th Street is closed because the water is running four to six inches deep across the pavement.

Sections of the Poudre River Trail and Bike paths from Fort Collins to Greeley are also flooded.

More rain is possible (but not probable) in today's forecast.


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