Facebook is one of those things you just have to have. No exceptions. I find that if a business or person doesn't have one, it's a bit odd. Nowadays, information is instant. There is no waiting around anymore for the 5 o'clock news to see what happened at the intersection of 37th and Garfield on your way to work this morning. Loveland Police Chief, Bob Ticer feels the same and more! He sees using Facebook as one way to improve the department's performance and relationship with the community.

"It's all about sharing with the community about what the police department is doing," Ticer said. "There is a lot of great cooperation between the police department and community day-to-day. I want the department to have that personal interaction with the community." in an article posted on the Reporter-Herald's website.

Lauri Holstad is the administrative analyst and budget manager for the Loveland Police Department said "for the most part, posts will center around community events" additionally "and we will be able to show the community what we are doing".  Holstad also commented that the department is excited and welcoming residents to interact with them on the page.


Chief Ticer also said that information on public safety and police activity will also be shared. So, if you live in Loveland and you have a Facebook, be sure and give their new page a like! You can find the Loveland Police Department on Facebook HERE.

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