When you are with "the one," picking the right proposal can be incredibly stressful. However, there's a new website that will help you pop the question. Vashi Jewelers is now here to relive the pressure, to help you with the perfect proposal. All you have to do is answer four simple questions about your significant other, and yourself, and the website will generate the right proposal for you.

The four questions cover their personality, their favorite things to do, if they like to travel or stay at home, and if you are on a budget or not. For my wife, I chose that she the "life and soul of the party, her favorite thing to do is read and write, she's a cosy home lover and at the time of our engagement, we were on a budget.

The website said that I should have proposed this way:

"Take to a local beach with family and friends on a beautifully sunny day and find a spot to lay your towels amidst fellow beach-goers. Hand your loved one their book to read, with the ring hidden inside and wait for them to open the cover and discover your plan!"

Knowing my wife, this actually sounds like a great idea and I think my wife would have loved it. Honestly, I wish this app was around when I proposed.

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