Very Soon There Will Be Less Trains Blocking Traffic in Fort Collins
Have you ever spent more than 5 minutes waiting for a train in Fort Collins? I know I have. I was late for a Teacher Tuesday once, because I was waiting for a train. My wife and I were late for dinner, waiting for a train. I have been late for work, waiting for a train in Fort Collins. Here is a little good news: Early next year, the number of trains passing through and blocking Lemay and Riverside avenues will be reduced by 55 percent.
According to the Coloradoan,
OmniTRAX, a Denver-based company that manages Great Western Railway, is working to restore railway from Windsor to Greeley that isn't being used. The $14 million project will reroute half of its train traffic away from Fort Collins.
Instead of Great Western connecting with the Union Pacific Railroad in Fort Collins, the trains will connect in Greeley. May I just say "whoo-hoo!"
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