I have seen a lot of status' on Facebook of people saying that they have the flu, they have a cold and what not and how it sucks and that they are bored. Well my sick friends, I have a solution. Every time I have stayed home sick from school or work, I always try to watch these movies. It is a little different now because I don't have to wait for anything to rewind any more, I can just keep the movie momentum going. I am not sure, but they make me feel better so maybe they will help you! That and drinking a lot of fluids!

  • 3 Ninjas

    Just something about this movie being a combination of 'Home Alone', 'Ninja Turtles' and 'Leathal Weapon' make it a fun movie that has a good message and full of cheesy goodness!

  • Homeward Bound: The Incredible Journey

    Something about watching animals over come the wilderness makes you being sick not that bad. Plus, you know, crying at the end kind of helps clear things up as well. You know... if you do that sort of thing...*cough*

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

    The heroes in a half-shell will always make you feel better. Unless it is the 3rd one, the animated movie or the newer cartoon series. Then you may be seeing green that isn't the turtles.

  • 3 Musketeers

    Full of action, quipy cheesy humor and of course Tim Curry, Charlie Sheen and Jack Bauer... I mean Kiefer Sutherland.

  • The Star Wars Trilogy

    So I know this one is cheating because it is three movies but, whatever. This always works. Watch the three movies and the day just disappears! You can also substitute this out for the 'Indiana Jones' Trilogy.

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