No surprise here; Tommy Chong came to Colorado to visit a marijuana shop in Pueblo over the weekend. (If you don't know who Chong is, he's part of the pot-smoking comedy duo 'Cheech & Chong' who made their biggest marks on entertainment in the 70s and 80s)

According to the Denver Channel, the actor, comedian and marijuana activist stopped in to Pueblo's Marisol Therapeutics to celebrate the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado.

Everything I stood for, everything I went to jail for, everything I believed in, and the means of my existence is all based around marijuana...It was no reason to put anybody in jail. That's what been solved here.

He also took to Instagram to post a video of himself surrounded by marijuana plants saying, "We got it least in Colorado."

I think our state is going to see a lot of of the world's more famous pot-enthusiasts in the coming months. I bet when shops start opening in Fort Collins they'll be clamoring to find big names to stop in their shops for a little publicity. It's going to be a strange few years as the world gets used to this whole idea.

I was vacationing in Florida over the new year and every single person I talked to that found out I'm from Colorado had to chime on on the legalization of marijuana. I used to get annoyed when every person I met thought I spent all of my time at a ski lodge because I was from Colorado. Now, we'll have to put up with the entire world thinking we're all high, all the time. Oh well, it could be worse.

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