I was lucky enough to see that there was an early showing of 'This is the End', the end of the world movie starring Seth Rogan, James Franco, Jonah Hill and on and on and on. There is a lot of stars in this film and it pays off, for the most part.

If you are wondering what kind of movie this is, its a lot like the other comedies that these stars have been in. Some over the top humor, lots of crude humor and some awkward situations. Oh, and lots of weed.

Basically, its the end of the world and all these guys happened to be at James Franco's house for a party when it happened and now they need to stick together and survive. It was pretty funny throughout but there were some instances where the joke went on for too long. There were also a few parts where I wasn't sure how I felt about it. This film also had a couple of shockers and twists that ended up being pretty funny. I am not going to say any more because I don't want to spoil it. If you want it spoiled, there are other reviews that I am sure talk about it and there is also a thing called Google.

If you are looking for a film that you can laugh, feel a bit uncomfortable and then laugh some more, then this is for you. Its not for kids and probably wouldn't take your mom to it, unless you are ok watching some crude humor with her, then go for it.

Overall I give it 3 1/2 out of 5 Michael Cera's. Its not a must see in the theater, but if you like these types of movies then its def. a rental.

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