Colorado Craft Beers

Colorado is famous for its craft beers and breweries, from the iconic New Belgium and Odell's in Fort Collins to Weldwerks in Greeley, Verboten in Loveland and Left Hand in Longmont.

Review:  Gilded Goat Brewing Company
Review: Gilded Goat Brewing Company
Review: Gilded Goat Brewing Company
I don't think the big challenge when designing your new brewery is making good beer. It has to be standing out in a sea of breweries! This one definitely does that.
Timnath Will Soon Have a Craft Brewery
Timnath Will Soon Have a Craft Brewery
Timnath Will Soon Have a Craft Brewery
Timnath residents, you will soon be able to enjoy your own town's craft brews! Pretty exciting right? Timnath Beerwerks will be opening this fall and will be located at the Colorado Feed and Grain building that is located at 4138 Main st. The owner of Timnath Beerwerks, Craig Miller, will be the first brewery in town...
Fort Collins Craft Brewery Forced to Change Name
Fort Collins Craft Brewery Forced to Change Name
Fort Collins Craft Brewery Forced to Change Name
A craft brewery in Fort Collins that hasn't even opened its doors yet was forced to change its name due to a cease and desist letter from Absolut Vodka. Intersect Brewing is currently under construction and will open at 2160 W. Drake Rd in Fort Collins in August...
WeldWerks Brewing Co. to Become Greeley’s Fourth Craft Brewery
WeldWerks Brewing Co. to Become Greeley’s Fourth Craft Brewery
WeldWerks Brewing Co. to Become Greeley’s Fourth Craft Brewery
When you think of craft beer in Northern Colorado, undoubtedly your attention turns to Fort Collins, which may be the craft beer capital of the world. However, Fort Collins' Northern Colorado neighbor, Greeley, isn't a slouch when it comes to craft brews. The city will see is about to get it's fourth brewery, WeldWerks Brewing Co.