UNC Head Coach Ed McCaffrey will have a familiar face at QB this fall...his son Dylan who just transferred from the University of Michigan to play for the Bears.
The University of Northern Colorado Bears will be playing football...in the spring under first year head coach Ed McCaffrey and the official schedule has been released.
A CSU football coach has decided to hang it up. He plans to retire after the team plays in their bowl game. We don't know yet who the Rams will be playing.
While I joked about renting my apartment's parking spot during home games, two guys actually did it, and subsequently created a the 'Airbnb of parking.' *face palm*
Chris Foerster, CSU's former assistant football coach, has resigned from the Miami Dolphins after an incriminating video surfaced where he's seen snorting lines.
Grab your tissues, Fort Collins said bye to Hughes this weekend as the CSU Rams took the field for the last time. These #FarewellHughes 'grams got us all misty.
Since 1893, it's been an annual tradition for the two biggest collegiate rivals in Colorado to 'showdown.' Check out this footage of CSU vs. CU Boulder from 1919.
I have one parent that graduated from Colorado State University, and another from the University of Minnesota. Both football teams are playing each other this weekend, and I've been asked where my loyalty lies.
Saturday, the CSU football team plays its annual Green & Gold Game at Sonny Lubick Field at Hughes Stadium. Brian & Todd talked to Coach Bobo about the season.
The CSU Rams football team will play in the Nova Home Loans Arizona Bowl on December 29. We have all the info you will need on tickets and travel info too.