
Hunter Video Shows His Tree Stand Invaded By a Mama Bear and Cub
Hunter Video Shows His Tree Stand Invaded By a Mama Bear and Cub
Hunter Video Shows His Tree Stand Invaded By a Mama Bear and Cub
I don't consider myself a bear expert and wouldn't advise that you take any tips from me on how to survive a potential bear encounter. However, I don't think what I've found is the right way to do it. It's video shared by a hunter who had a mama bear and cub investigate his tree stand with him still in it.
Some People Want Ice Cream Truck Music Banned – Daily Dose of Weird [VIDEO]
Some People Want Ice Cream Truck Music Banned – Daily Dose of Weird [VIDEO]
Some People Want Ice Cream Truck Music Banned – Daily Dose of Weird [VIDEO]
I moved into a new apartment over the weekend.  So of course I was driving all over the place trying to get everything sorted.  At least twice during my various journeys around town, I heard the sweet sounds of ice cream trucks.  At one point, I even stopped and listened to one as it passed by.  Call me crazy, but I always found ice cream truck music to be fun and catchy; and that's kind of the po