I love it when I come across stories like this. People working together to help out their fellow man and not trying to get 15 minutes of fame out of it.
What can be said about this video other than it is EPIC! The video is from Taiwan and it appears to be in a mall. The video's description says it was taken near 101 tower,at new Sony Xperia Arc cellphone stand. Honestly, it doesn't matter where it is from, I am just glad that someone posted it. Some guy in an Android suit, dancing like a... well, a droid.
Sometimes when life puts obstacles in your way, just jump on them. That's the motto of this penguin, who decided to jump right on top of a sleeping sea lion that was in his way. Some people are saying that the penguin thought he was a rock. That's clearly not the case...
By now we have all heard about flash mobs or seen videos of them. Well some people decided to take it a step further. It starts out normal with your random singing, then more people joining in, throw in a little dancing and you have your flash mob.