People who do harm to children and animals are pretty high up on my list of "people I wish did not exist." Sadly, someone may have taken to tormenting ducks in south Fort Collins.

According to the Coloradoan, a duck was been shot with a blow dart at the Willow Springs pond area south of Harmony on Timberline. There were also reports of another ducks that had a fish hook snagged to tightly on its leg that it couldn't walk.

Officials from the Larimer Humane Society said they haven’t received any calls related to the incident but asked anyone to immediately call animal protection and control, (970) 226-3647, ext. 7, if an animal is seen hurt or suffering.

Now, hopefully the duck with the fish hook was just an accident, but I struggle to see how a blow dart lodged into a duck's neck could have been an accident. ("Discharging blow guns in city limits is illegal.") It just pains me to think that someone could see a duck floating in a pond and think, "I oughta shoot that thing in the neck!"

Here's to hoping this is just an isolated incident.

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