I have long struggled to have less stuff and the more happiness that it would bring.  I know this thought to be true, as I grew up with very little stuff and never even noticed.  I don't like most of the stuff I have.  It all just piles up between  constantly updating technology, fashion, kids stuff (so much unnecessary stuff), hobbies, keepsakes, dog toys, costume props, etc.  I don't believe I will ever become a true minimalist, but I sure do love the idea of having much much less stuff and cherishing each item I own because I truly get something out of it.  I want to own only enough clothes to fill a suitcase, but love the way each piece fits and feels.   We've all seen the shows on hoarding and how truly out of hand it can get.  But even when it's not that extreme it seems we all live with way more "stuff" than we need, which I believe weighs me down.  I found a blog that has some great ideas about "less", it's called Rowdy Kittens.   Here are some small steps they listed to create more (happiness/quality) and consume less.

Small Action Steps

Both you and the world are better off through sufficient living. It’s the state of living with enough and increasing your capacity to enjoy through creating, not consuming.

An idea is only worth its weight in salt if it can be applied in real life. Here are a few simple ways to start on the path towards sufficiency today.

  • Compliment a stranger (add value)
  • Don’t buy new clothes for a year (consume less)
  • Start a blog, draw a picture, take your partner on a date (create more)
  • Plan an adventure: rock climbing, road trip, camping (create more)
  • More From 99.9 The Point