Sexually Violent Predator Moves to Fort Collins
A sexually violent predator has moved to Fort Collins, police say.
Law enforcement isn't legally allowed to direct where a sex offender may live; unless court restrictions exist, they can live wherever they choose to.
Saliman Keo Yep, 48, recently moved back to Fort Collins after living in Greeley and Aurora, the Coloradoan reports. Yep pleaded guilty to attempted sex assault on a child in 2007 and was sentenced to the Colorado Department of Corrections later that year. He was released in 2010 and successfully completed parole in 2011.
Yep's residence is located in northeast Fort Collins near Vine Drive. He has additional convictions including possession of stolen property, carrying a concealed weapon, theft, aggravated robbery, check fraud, and an immigration violation. Police note that he "tends to blame others and minimize his behavior (and) places his needs above all else," adding that "secrecy, denial, and defensiveness are part of his disorder."
All this said, it's understandable to be disappointed they'd release a sex offender back into society - we totally get that. However, police say vigilantism or use of this information to harass, threaten, or intimidate Yep is criminal behavior and will not be tolerated.