A great friend of mine recently went through her brutal break-up.  My brutal breakup happened about two years ago.

We all know the “brutal break-up” it’s the one that stings you to your core.  The one where a simple song on the radio can send you into a spiral of self-doubt.  Mere mention of their name can cause a self-pity party of one. The one where you will start to type their name into your “Search” bar on (insert any social media site) and then you double-check to make sure you aren’t typing a status, then you think twice about hitting enter.  Do you really want to see what they are up to?  Who are they doing ‘up to’ with?  Because no matter how much closure you get you still have questions.

According to Elite Daily these are some of the questions every one wants to ask their ex after a break-up.

Did you love me, or did you just say it to appease me?

Do you still think about me, especially when you’re lonely?

Did you ever think you’d marry me?

Did you ever cheat on me, either emotionally or physically?

Do you think about me when you’re drunk?

Do you still go to the places we used to love going?

Did you throw away all mementos of our time together?

See-- you’re not alone.  We all have these thoughts.  They are normal.  I seriously don’t know how people went through break-ups pre-Pinterest.  Now you can litter your timeline with motivation sayings: “One day she just let go.”  “YES I miss you.  NO, I don’t want you back.”  You know what I’m talking about.

Credit: Pinterest
Credit: Pinterest

Breaking up sucks.  No matter how many people tell you that it WILL get better.  You WILL find someone who deserves you.  You WILL find love again.  It’s still hard to convince yourself of that and I believe every person needs to go on that journey themselves.  I can’t tell you how many people said “you're better off" and I sat there thinking, “No I’m not. I invested five years into this person.  I’m really not better off.  I’m sad.”

Two years later and a lot of sad Adele songs later, I have met the love of my life that so many said would come along, and am getting married in November.  I was lucky.  My grieving time wasn’t too long and I'm incredibly happy now but I still have moments of sadness.  And you know what? That's normal too.

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