The Republican presidential candidates will be duking it out on stage once again, as our state's very own CU-Boulder plays host to the third GOP Debate beginning at 6 p.m. MST on Wednesday evening. 

The preliminary session will kick off the night, and will include the lower-polling candidates: Governor Bobby Jindal (LA), former Governor George Pataki (NY), former Senator Rick Santorum (PA), and Senator Lindsey Graham (SC).

Following that, the front-running Republican candidates, Governor John Kasich (OH), former Governor Mike Huckabee (AR), former Governor Jeb Bush (FL), Senator Marco Rubio (FL), Donald Trump, Dr. Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Senator Ted Cruz (TX), Governor Chris Christie (NJ), and Senator Rand Paul (KY) will take the stage for the prime-time debate. Hot topics that are definitely going to be discussed are the individual candidates' plans for a new budget, immigration, taxes, job growth, the Middle East, Planned Parenthood, technology, and healthcare. Something else that will most likely also get brought up, is the fact that Carson is now leading the polls for the first time ever over Donald Trump – a fact that the latter candidate is a bit salty about, to say the least.

While the second GOP Debate seemed to last a lifetime, spanning over a three hour period, tonight's debate on CNBC will be capped off at two hours exactly. I'ts great to be informed and educated, but politics just aren't everyone's cup of tea. For some additional entertainment besides shaking your head in awe at Trump's frequent insults and jabs at, well, everybody, why not compete against your household with some GOP Debate Bingo? It's easy, the first person to clear a row wins – bragging rights if you make it through the whole debate and can get every square on your board crossed off.

You can download the boards and print them here: GOP Presidential Debate Bingo Boards.

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