Place Your Vote for the Best of Greeley 2017!
We are counting down the days until 2017 is done, so it's time to honor those businesses that excelled in the past year with our "Best of 2017" awards!
Last week, we took your voting for the city of Fort Collins. This week, the focus is on the city of Greeley! Here's how it all works:
- Look at the categories below and place your vote for the one Greeley business that you think topped that category in 2017!
- You only get one vote per person, so make sure you choose wisely.
- Don't see the business you want to vote for listed? No worries! Write them in on the "other" line in each category!
Voting for the "Best of 2017 in Greeley" will run until Sunday, December 17th, so you have plenty of time to think about your decision to make sure it's the one you want.
And if you know more about Loveland or Longmont businesses...don't worry! Here's when you can vote for those cities businesses:
Week of December 18th: Loveland
Week of December 25th: Longmont
Ready to place your vote? Go ahead and look for the results that we'll share with everyone the first week of January: