After the Broncos game last night I had enough adrenaline pumping through my body to do something productive. Just not what needed to be done. Laundry? Nah that just seems like too much work. Packing boxes to move into our new house next week? Nope, that didn't seem like fun.

What to do... What to do? I got it! Traffic has died down from all of the fans at the game, why not head on up to the City and County building to take some pics? Great idea! I grabbed my camera bag and my $10 tripod in tow, jumped into the Jeep and took off. It was cold outside! After being outside for a few minutes, I could easily see why there were so many dropped passes last night. When your fingers are a tad numb, it can be difficult to get your lens into focus let alone catch a bullet from Peyton Manning.

When I finally arrived at the City & County building it was lit up in orange and blue in all of its glory. Only a few people came to join in the picture taking party that I was throwing. Most would just slow down right in front, take a photo with their phone and take off. I spent a good 30 minutes in the park across the street taking in the sight.

This photo is a 3 photo panorama. I had to take it in sections just to get the entire building into a single merged photo.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

I started to make my trek back home. I took Colfax west to hit I-25 southbound back to Littleton. A sudden change of plans brought me a little bit further west to Sports Authority Field at Mile High (it's still just Mile High Stadium to me). There were a few cars in the parking lot still so I took the opportunity to capture the lit up logo on the stadium and the bucking Bronco in all of its glory! Pulling into the parking lot, you could still feel the energy from the win just mere hours before that happened behind those tall stadium walls. It took me a bit to line it up just enough to catch the Broncos logo at the bottom with the bronco at the top, but I finally pulled it off. As soon as I took this photo, my camera's battery decided it had enough for a Sunday night and shut down.

Matt Sparx/TSM
Matt Sparx/TSM

After so many years living out of state, it still feels surreal to be back home and being back home and seeing everyone decked out in Broncos gear. This is my team and I am happy to be back in my home state and UNITED IN ORANGE!



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