Man Leaves $5,000 Tip And Pays Everyone’s Tab In Broomfield
The North Side Tavern in Broomfield wasn't even open in December and January because they were losing so much money through operating costs alone, but since their reopening in February, customers have been extra nice and leaving extra generous tips.
According to CBS Denver, the most generous tip AND act of kindness recently came to the tavern when a man arrived at the bar this past Friday night. Supposedly there to celebrate a merger at work, this Good Samaritan decided to pay EVERYONE'S tab.
Not only did he pick up the tab for everyone at the bar, he went so far as to pay for everyone in the entire restaurant as well...In addition, he dropped a $5000 tip as well.
When the man signed the tip, he left a note that he wanted to have his money distributed between the staff, servers, dishwashers, busboys etc., which brought many to tears of joy.
The tipper wanted to remain anonymous, but the staff has a feeling this generous individual isn't done. Let's hope not.
It's so cool to hear about stories like this, it just goes to show how one single act of kindness can make a difference in so many people's lives.
Obviously, we all can't just drop $5,000 on a whim, but even the simplest kind word or act can be just a beneficial. (Ok, maybe not quite as financially beneficial as a $5,000 tip, but the benefits are certainly real to all.)

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