You read that title right, there is no typo. A man was at a polling station, doing his American duty, when he appeared to die.  This all happened in Southfield Township where an elderly man was getting help from his wife to fill out his ballot. She was asking him questions and when he didn't respond, she called for help. Luckily there was a registered nurse there and he went to the couples aid.

"He was dead," Houston said. "He had no heartbeat and he wasn't breathing. I started CPR, and after a few minutes, he revived and started breathing again. He knew his name and his wife's name." [Source]

When he came to, his first question was ,"Did I Vote?" His wife said that his life was the main concern and he replied back with, "there are only two things that are important to me: That I love you and that I finished what I came here to do … vote."

He was taken to the hospital to be treated.

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