A story has been making its way across the viral world about a brewer in Fort Collins who bought all the Count Chocula from one store. Who cares?

The Fort Collins Coloradoan is reporting that local brewer Black Bottle Brewery in Fort Collins has depleted the entire stock of Count Chocula from one grocery store to brew a special October brew. The story was so interesting apparently that USA Today, an affiliate of the Coloradoan, and Gawker.com have each published articles about it as well.

The dastardly deed has made a few customers upset. Although, I don't know why. It's not like the brewer sent people out to buy every box in town.


Personally, and I like a good cold beer as much as the next person, I would never drink a beer made with any cereal. How about you?

If you are interested in trying it, the brew will be released Oct. 30.

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