According to Lady Gaga examined her own blood, as well as semen, when developing her forthcoming, yet-to-be-named fragrance, which should scent our world in 2012. Gaga’s blood is being incorporated into the scent and ultimately ensures that her throng of Monsters can keep her close at all times.  Gaga also told Australian radio show 2DayFM that the perfume “smells like an expensive hooker! In terms of the process of creating the perfume, I wanted to extract the feeling and the sense of blood and semen from molecular structures. That’s where that came from.” Gaga said the blood is in the perfume, but the finished product doesn’t smell like it. She finished, “You just get the after-feeling of sex from the semen and then the blood is sort of primal … It was taken out of my own blood sample, so it’s a sense of having me on your skin.”

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