Lady Gaga is prepping for her upcoming Born This Way Ball tour, which launches on April 27 in South Korea, and while doing so, she is getting herself into fighting shape.

The singer tweeted about her efforts to get her body physically ready for the rigors of touring and in turn sparked a firestorm of controversy. She referenced rigorous spin classes and noshing on a salad, but wishing it was a cheeseburger. Seemingly innocuous, right? Wrong.

The Mother Monster, famous for wearing a meat dress to the VMAs a few years ago, included two hashtags which have gotten her into a bit of Twitter hot water. She added #PopSingersDontEat and #IWasBornThisWay. It’s a bit of a social media gaffe on Gaga’s part, since she has spoken so openly about loving yourself as you were born and about her own bout with bulimia. So those two hashtags feel a bit at odds with each other, idealistically speaking.

There is also the distinct possibility that there is some inherent sarcasm in her comment.

Gaga recently revealed that she used to struggle with the carb-loaded meals her Italian father put in front of her for dinner every night. Since she has 23 million followers and a sphere of influence that cannot be messed with, Gaga should have thought before she tweeted and exercised a little more control over her thumbs, like she did with her spin class.

Below is Gaga’s ill advised tweet, which, at press time, she had not retracted or explained.


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