This is so freaking cool, I can't even describe how awesome this guy is. His name is Jacob French and he walked across Australia in a Stormtrooper suit. What makes him even more awesome is he did it for a good cause, he did it to raise money for the Starlight Children's Foundation. It took him 9 months but he finally did it and he raised more money than he originally planned on by almost double!

Here is the conclusion video

Here is one of the beginning videos

Here is info on the Starlight Foundation Click HERE for more info and if you want to make a donation CLICK HERE

Starlight Children's Foundation

Since 1988 Starlight has been brightening the lives of seriously ill and hospitalized children and their families throughout Australia. Starlight’s programs support the well being and resilience of these children.

Every minute of everyday a child is admitted to hospital across Australia. At Starlight all our programs support the well being & resilience of seriously ill children and their families.Our ultimate goal is to enable each and every child to have access to Starlight programs.

Starlight programs are integral to the total care of seriously ill children - while the health professionals focus on treating the illness, Starlight is there to lift the spirits of the child – giving them the opportunity to laugh and play and be a child again.

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