A Wyoming Bison So Big, It’s Breaking Boardwalks
Let me be Captain Obvious for minute...Bison are BIG.
Duh, right?
They're so big they can punt a human high into the air with the greatest of ease. They're so big that when they collide in a sparring battle it generates almost the same energy as two small trucks colliding.
Their necks are built to be snowplows and move the snow out of their way when looking for food.
They're big and bad.
Males average about 2,000 pounds at full weight.
Can you imagine a bison stepping on you?
The largest mammal in North America, bison are a sight to see. It's one of the reasons many people head into Yellowstone National Park.
We always hear about the human/bison interactions, but sometime the tourists actually stay the required distance away from the big beasts. Just because everyone is safe, doesn't mean there's not going to be a 'viral' bison moment.
Adam Nigels was visiting the park when a couple bison wanted to get to the other side of the boardwalk, of course, they're not waiting for people to get out of the way. Nigels, the people with him and those ahead of him, held up to let them through.
When bison #1, we'll give it the name Heavy B, stepped on the boardwalk, at Norris Geyser Basin....smash, the first board was crushed.
Once the leg goes through, you see the bison start trying to figure out how to avoid the embarrassment of more boards breaking.
When the next comes through, it's smart enough to realize that it may not be a good idea to step in the same place. They are smart animals, for sure.