It's embarrassing to be out of breath from sitting down.  I haven't taken a deep  breath in weeks.  So add to that the feeling that if I walk too much my huge belly feels as though it may in fact bounce onto the ground and you get ridiculous discomfort. I'm 32 weeks pregnant with twins. Bigger than I was at 40 weeks with my daughters pregnancy. I rode my bike to work until 3 days before I gave birth to her, now I ride....the motorized cart at Target. See below.

The most surprising thing about using the motorized cart is that my mind jumps right into it, telling me that I can't get out for any reason. As if my legs were impaired.  I have to remind myself I can still reach for things and use my legs.  Never in a million years would I have thought I would be using one of these at a department store.  But they honestly save me and allow me to "shop" without pain and fatigue. Cheers to the motorized cart!

DISCLAIMER: I don't normally wear sunglasses in stores, but it felt right yesterday.

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My name is Kama and I'm a Mom...and that just freaks me out sometimes. I'm a bunch of other things that used to seem really important, but somehow being a Mom blurs those other things into mush. I have a 2-1/2 year old daughter and twin boys on the way. Everyday I have a "holy s**t, I can't believe I'm a Mom" moment and those get shared here.

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