It's been 30 years since the original 'Evil Dead' was released so I guess I can applaud Hollywood for waiting a while on this remake. When I first heard about this remake I was really "ify" about it, seeing that the original is pretty campy as it is, plus Bruce Campbell is Ash which is an awesome character in the later additions to the series. So how does the remake hold up?

There were some good things about this remake but also some "eh" moments as well. There were also a couple little homages to the original which was pretty awesome as well. This remake did have Sam Rami, who did the original 'Evil Dead', and Bruce Campbell, who starred in the original as producers, so that was a little better than somebody ruining the movie. I think having them help with the remake helped keep it in tune with the original. If you enjoyed the original, more than likely you will enjoy this.

Here is the original trailer just for fun

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