Gov. Polis Extends Mask Mandate, Discusses COVID-19 Vaccine
As cases and hospitalizations surge all across Colorado, Gov. Jared Polis has provided an update to the state's response to COVID-19.
In a news conference on Monday (Nov. 9), Gov. Polis announced another 30-day extension of the statewide mask mandate.
In addition, Polis said that Colorado expects to receive 100-200 thousand doses of pharmaceutical company, Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine. Pfizer filed for Emergency Use Authorization for the vaccine with the Food and Drug Administration on Monday (Nov. 9).
According to 9News, the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will go to healthcare workers, firefighters, emergency medical services, police officers, and critical public health personnel.
However, Gov. Polis said in Monday's news conference that most Coloradans should be able to get vaccinated early next year.
Polis has repeatedly stressed that in order to slow the spread of COVID-19, Coloradans should only interact with members of their own household - especially since the holiday season is right around the corner.
When asked whether or not he will be asking people to avoid holiday gatherings, Gov. Polis suggested that Coloradans self-quarantine before the holidays.
"The best advice would be to self-quarantine for 10 days prior to having that Thanksgiving", Polis said in Monday's news conference.
Gov. Polis ended the conference by reminding the audience that there are currently over 1,000 Coloradans in hospitals around the state fighting COVID-19.
"Now is the time to buckle down", Polis concluded.
For the latest information regarding COVID-19 in Colorado, visit covid19.colorado.gov.

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