Its 1:20am in the morning and I am woken up by a single bark from the dog. I go to see whats going on and I see nothing so I get a glass of water and head back to bed. On my way back I notice a convoy of fire trucks and police cars drive down Harmony with the lights on. I just think an accident happened maybe on I-25 and go back to bed. Then I hear sirens and I look out the window and see more fire trucks and I notice that some of the lights are reflecting off of the buildings across the street so I know that what ever happened is close. I grab the dog and go outside for a walk and to investigate. What I see is about 3 fire trucks near the Village Inn and a plume of smoke coming from what looks to be the kitchen area.I stand there for a couple of minutes and just watch as the firemen do their thing when I am approached by what has to be one of the coolest cops that I have ever met. He says, "Looks like your favorite breakfast place is burning down." I follow with a laugh and tell him that we never really go there. He then asks if we live nearby and I respond yes and he notices some other people and asks if we know them. I say nope and he says thanks and follows that up with arsonists like to watch and walks away. He comes back and I ask if he really thinks that it is arson and he says it is probably just a kitchen fire.

The firemen did a great job putting it out quickly.

Long story short, I was one of those looky loos with a camera standing on the side of the road watching.


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