I've lived in Fort Collins for almost 10 years, and it's always impressed me how bike-friendly the city is.  And now its bike friendliness has been officially recognized...again!

According to the Coloradoan, Fort Collins was given a rare "Platinum Bicycle Friendly Community" rating from the League of American Bicyclists.  The rating is based on Fort Collins' investment in pro-bicycle education, infrastructure, and promotion.

“Fort Collins is thrilled to join Boulder, Colo., Davis, Calif., and Portland, Ore. as one of only four communities in our nation that have attained the Platinum designation,” FC Bikes Program Specialist Molly North said in a written statement. According to North, the rating comes after years of work by members of the community.

[via The Coloradoan.]

Only four in the nation?  Way to go, Fort Collins!  I guess I should put some air in my bike tires and get out there!

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