The Internet Riots After Elizabeth Banks Says Mothers of Only Children Aren’t ‘Really’ Moms
Actress Elizabeth Banks has gone and pissed off the one portion of the population you never want to make angry: moms. She won't like them when they're angry.
The fire was ignited in an interview with PEOPLE, where Banks discussed what it was like to be a mother. Innocuous enough stuff, until she brought up how having more than one kid is much more difficult and moms of only children just aren't "real" parents.
“Two is very different from one. When you have one kid, you feel like you can jet set around and you can throw him on the hip and you get your life done," Banks, who had her second child in November, explained. "You don't realize how easy one is until you have two. Now I'm really a mom. Oh, I am a mom now! This is for serious - I am responsible for two people now.”
Therefore, one kid = not a mom and super easy, two kids = a real mom and super hard. We'll have to tell Merriam Webster to update their entry. Details matter.
As Banks continued to explain how difficult it is to wrangle two children on a 10-day family vacation (because they were - gasp - nannyless), she complained, "[We] had no help, no nannies, no babysitters. It was crazy. You forget how difficult it is to wake up in the middle of the night, how exhausting it is."
"I lost all my nails. I did dishes and cleaned bottles for 10 days so I lost all those nails!” she added, explaining that washing dishes is really hard work and apparently mothers with only one child have plates and glasses that automatically clean themselves.
So moms-of-one, stop whining. You're on notice.