CSU Wants To Teach You How To Adult With ‘Home Buying & Hoagies’
Being a CSU alumnus means that you get access to some pretty cool perks in Fort Collins...like a class that aims to teach you how to become a full-time adult.
Because I don't know about you, but I definitely didn't learn that when I went to school there.
Their all-new alumni event is called 'Home Buying & Hoagies', and its goal is to teach former students how to navigate the ever-stressful world of owning a home. According to event organizers:
We'll take you from start to finish: how to choose a Realtor, different loan types, down payment options, closing costs, fees, and more. Get excited; this is a free workshop with free food!
Free food? Now there's a phrase that will attract any non-adult within a five-mile radius. For more information on the event, click here.
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