The Trash Trail of Colorado Instagram account is out to make sure our Colorado parks and trails are respected — and if not, it'll totally call you out. 


Smile! Or... not. Here's an Intsta account you don't want to show up on. @TrashTrailCo says 'Play by the rules or get named and shamed. Stop ruining the wilderness we try so hard to protect. DM me with submissions.'

Submissions like this:

And this (language):

And this, too:

Even this one from Horsetooth. Hey, we recognize him!

One woman, who posted an Instagram with her dog, in a dog-free park, reached out and apologized, so the account deactivated commenting, but left the photo up on the page.

The graffiti, doggie bags and setting up traps for mountain bikers; OK, clearly bad. But taking a dip in the water, or walking on a branch -- call me ignorant, but is that maybe just enjoying nature?

Do you think it's a little extreme to shame people, or is it good to hold people accountable?

You can see more of the account here.

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