Terrifying news from the business headlines today…Twinkies may be doomed! NBC News is reporting that Hostess Brands, the magicians behind Twinkies, Wonder Bread and plenty of other delicious snacks, could start liquidating company assets unless workers stop striking by the end of the workday on Thursday.


Hostess had already filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January, but union workers there went on strike November 9th because of court-approved pay cuts. If enough workers do not end their strike and return to work by 5PM this Friday, Hostess plans to file a motion to close and sell off their assets. They could feasibly close their doors as early as November 20th!

We may soon all be wandering the planed like Tallahassee from Zombieland, searching for the elusive last Twinkies on earth.

I love Twinkies, I know they might send me to an early grave, but what would our world be without the delicious, cream-filled, yellow sponginess?

Brian Gary, TSM

We love Twinkies so much around here that we had a Twinkie-eating contest I while back (Which I won, by the way. Woot, woot.) and we made Brian from K99 get a “Twinkie The Kid” tattoo!

Look, Hostess…you can axe the Ho Hos, the Donuts, the Ding Dongs, the Zingers, the Pies, the Sno Balls, and the Cupcakes. But please, PLEASE find some way to pay your workers and keep those Twinkies coming to us.

And I now that I am not alone, there are already at least two sizable groups on Facebook trying to save the Twinkies!

Featured image from Christian Cable, Flickr.

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