I am always worried that when I go into the doctor for anything they are going to tell me something else is wrong and this guy just got a huge dose of that. Steve Crecelius, a photographer in Denver, was admitted to the hospital for kidney stones when he got the shocking news. After he got an ultrasound to see the kidney stones the nurse came back and gave him the news that he was intersex, meaning he had both male genitalia and internal female sex organs. Crecelius wasn't really that shocked when he received the news.

When I was about 6 years old, I started having these feminine feelings, but that was in the ’60s. Wearing my mom’s makeup, I thought I looked pretty.

The nurse is reading the ultrasound and says, ‘Huh, this says you’re a female.' “It was very liberating. I had spent so much energy after the age of 13 constantly evaluating how people looked at me and acted towards me.”

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