Colorado Hits Bottom on ‘Worst Winters’ List
Colorado, as a state, is pretty used to hitting the tops of lists; lists like 'best places to live', 'best summers', 'best places to work', etc. etc. etc.
Our lovely state finally landed at the bottom of a list recently published by Thrillist-- but it's not what you think.
Despite the Polar Vortex rushing through the states a couple of weeks ago, Colorado's experienced a pretty mild winter. Even when we do get snow over here, we make the best of it with some of the best snow resorts and ski hills in the U.S. For this, Thrillist ranked Colorado at #47 on their 'States With The Worst Winters' list, since we actually make it fun.
Here's what they said about Colorado's ranking:
"Yes, this seems like an odd placement for a state that clearly experiences some serious snowfall, but the thing is, snowfall is a cause for celebration here. Have you ever been to Colorado in wintertime? The sun is shining, the winter sports are world class, and if people aren’t (legally) high as balls, then they’re getting into some fantastic beer. The Broncos are even good for a Super Bowl with a decent amount of regularity. Colorado has basically solved winter.
Now, that's high praise.
To read the full ranking, head here.
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