Colorado Haunted House Destroyed By Fire Monday Morning
A Haunted House Attraction in Parker, Colorado, “Fright Acres” has been destroyed after catching on fire early Monday morning.
Haunted House season is one of my favorite times of the year! For some reason, since my wife and I were young teenagers, we always made it our tradition to go to various haunted houses all over Colorado every October. Sadly now, we won’t be able to put “Fright Acres” on our list for 2021 after a fire destroyed the haunted attraction early Monday morning.
According to FOX 31, the fire started at “Flat Acres Farm”, which is the home of “Fright Acres Haunted House”, just after 1 a.m. Monday morning. It wasn’t windy at my place in Northern Colorado this morning, but down in Parker, firefighters are saying that the high winds have been making it extremely challenging to put it out.
As you can see in these tweets from South Metro Fire Rescue, the fire destroyed the haunted house on the property, and while there is no official cause of the fire as of now, the hay bales on the farm are what the South Metro Fire Rescue team has been working on containing and putting out all morning.
Hay bale fires, much like tire fires, are extremely tough to put out because they heat, smolder and burn from the middle. The firefighters have been able to create a border around the hay bale fire but it will continue to burn for quite a bit longer as they continue to keep it from spreading.
As of this writing, no injuries or other structures are in danger, and the South Metro Fire Team was still hard at work spraying a mixture of water and foam to keep the fire contained.
I’ve lived in Colorado my whole life and while I’ve been a part of many extreme fires in my lifetime, but I don’t recall any farm fires taking down a haunted house or attraction. I’d bet if I really looked into it’s a lot more common than one would think, especially with how easily fire like this seems to start in our beautiful state. As mentioned above, I have never got to experience “Fright Acres”, have you?