City of Loveland Extends Utility Shut-Off Suspension Until June 1
The City of Loveland is extending its suspension of utility shut-offs until June 1 in order to ease customers' financial struggles brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to a press release from the City, the City will also waive any late fees on past-due utility accounts for the next month.
However, those who can still afford to pay their utility bills are encouraged to do so, as the utility suspension is just a deferral, not a cancellation.
After June 1, customers will be expected to pay their past utility charges, unless another suspension is enacted.
Bills can be paid online here, by dropping them off at the Municipal Building Annex (500 E. Third Street) or at the Service Center (200 N. Wilson Avenue), or by calling (970)-962-2111 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Officials will reevaluate whether or not another suspension is needed before May 31.
The City implemented its first utility shut-off suspension on March 18.
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