The improvements that are taking place on the Mason Corridor in Fort Collins are aimed at a singular goal - easy access of the entire city from north to south. Mason Street in Old Town was turned from a one way to a two way with new curbs that run parallel to the railroad tracks in the  middle of the road. The intersections were all replaced, as were the rails.

The MAX bus transit system is a huge factor in the future plans of this route and the City of Fort Collins is holding an open house on Wednesday to discuss the city’s first Bus Rapid Transit system, known as MAX.

The open house is Wednesday, October 3, 5:30-6:30 p.m., in Beattie Elementary School, 3000 Meadowlark Avenue.

The construction project began in August and will continue until early 2014. The projects include the roadway, 13 MAX stations, new the South Transit Center, an underpass at Troutman, Transfort Maintenance Facility expansion and an overpass at the Spring Creek Station.

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