Here's some big news for the day; Barbara Walters, one of the most recognizable names and faces on television over the past half-century is going to retire.According to KWGN, she will be stepping down from her post on ABC's 'The View' in May of 2014. The 83-year-old journalist became was the very first female co-host for NBC's 'The Today Show' back in 1974 and was also the first female to co-anchor 'ABC World News Tonight' after the jumped networks.

I'm going to miss Barbara on TV. She's been on since I was a child. (I'm not a huge fan of 'The View' but I'm not in their demo.) She was always classy and her interviews always seemed very sincere. I think a lot of modern day shock-journalists could take a page from her playbook instead of sensationalizing so many stories about nothing. Congrats on your retirement Ms. Walters, you've earned it.

Journalist Barbara Walters was born September 25, 1929, in Boston, Massachusetts. In the early 1950s, Walters wrote for the CBS's Morning Show. Throughout the 1960s and 1970s she developed her trademark interviewing style though long-standing jobs on NBC's Today show and ABC's 20/20. In 1997, Barbara Walters premiered a since popular talk show called The View.

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