It's election day! The day many have waited for, for many different reasons. Some to insure we keep our president, others to get a new president, and many to finally put an end to this round of political ads everywhere you turn. Whatever your reason for being thankful that it's finally election day, remember what its about... Voting. Are you going to exercise your right?

As of about 6 p.m. Monday, 79,624 Weld residents voted by either mail-in ballots (68,304) or early voting machines (11,320), said Weld County Clerk and Recorder Steve Moreno.

Moreno said last week that he hoped for an 80-85 percent voter turnout.

Larimer County Clerk Scott Doyle believes 90 percent of active registered voters will cast their ballots by the time the polls close Tuesday. As of midday Monday, his office had already received nearly 130,000 ballots, representing 67 percent of the 194,000 active voters. And more ballots were streaming in throughout the day Monday at curbside and election drop-off sites as well as through the mail.

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