How much do you spend on coffee every year?

Would you be surprised to learn that the average, employed, coffee-drinking American spends over $1,000 a year on java? Those are findings released in Accounting Principals’ latest Workonomix survey.

Many of us spend nearly as much on coffee as we do on commuting costs!

The survey found that workers in the US spend about $20 per week on coffee, making a yearly average of $1,092. The average commuting costs for workers came to an average of $1,476 per year. that's a lot of lattes!

Some other surprising findings in the survey:

  • Half (50%) of the American workforce buys coffee regularly at work, spending more than $20 a week on coffee.
  • Nearly one quarter (22%) of American workers wish their company would invest in better coffee in the office.
  • Younger professionals (18-34) spend almost twice as much on coffee during the week than those aged 45+ ($24.74 vs. $14.15, respectively).
  • Men not only buy more coffee than women, but they spend nearly twice as much as their female counterparts ($25.70 vs. $15.00).

If your a java-holic you might be spending way too much of your hard-earned cash on your morning pick-me-up.

I bet a lot of people read this and think, "Only $1,400 a year on gas? I wish! I go through that in a couple months." Just keep in mind that this is an average for all workers (commuters, bikers, bus-riders, subway jockeys, etc).

Regardless of how much you spend on gas, over a grand a year on coffee seems ridiculous.

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