Larimer County Sheriff’s deputies found something extra in a car they pulled over for driving 110MPH on Interstate 25.

Namely a gun and nearly two pounds of weed!

According to the Loveland Reporter-Herald, they pulled the car over around 1:30AM just north of Fort Collins. There were two men in the car, ages 24 and 26. One was a formers Loveland resident, and both currently live in South Dakota. Along with them in the car police found 28.75 ounces of marijuana and a stolen nine-millimeter handgun.

110MPH?! Wow...way to be inconspicuous guys.

Two pounds of weed is a lot of weed, especially for a couple of numskulls to be driving down the highway at Grand Theft Auto-like speeds. But there have been plenty of far bigger marijuana busts in the area before:

Just to name a few.

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