If you couldn’t drive, how would you get around town in style?

Beep beep, who's got the keys to the Jeep? Tara Monroe that's who! Tara, 20 years old and a Texas State student, got pulled over after a concert one night in March and refused to give a breathalyzer test, resulting in a DWI. Needless to say, her Dad wasn’t happy about the whole situation! He drove from the Houston metro area to San Marcos, which is about 190 miles to take her car away from her and left her with a bike!

Tara didn’t like that… So she scored a sweet deal on a pink Barbie Jeep to get around campus that she bought on Craigslist for $60. She’s dubbed the pink Jeep “Charlene” which runs off of a 12 volt battery and swiftly speeds up to a staggering 5mph!

Credit: @C_L_A_R_Y via Twitter


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