A $70 Entrance Fee for RMNP? It’s Being Considered
One of the most iconic places in the country and one of the top destinations in Colorado is Rocky Mountain National Park. From the wildlife to the snow capped summits, it is simply amazing to witness all of its glory.
Rocky Mountain National Park is home to one of the highest elevation paved roads in the United States and is a very fun drive, but what if I told you that it could cost you big bucks to take a drive on one of your favorite scenic routes? According to the Denver Channel, the National Park Service is considering a big increase to the park entrance fee. Currently, the cost of admission is $20 per vehicle. The proposed increase would make the cost of admission jump $50 to a total of $70. Now the entrance fee wouldn't be this high all year long. Rather during the busiest months of the year for Rocky Mountain National Park, which are June through September.
Either one of two things will happen if this entrance fee is implemented in my opinion: There will be a drastic drop in visitors to the park or there will be the much needed funds to maintain the park from the price increase.
Source: Denver Channel