5 Places in Florida I Wish We Had in Colorado
There isn't much when it comes to Florida I miss. Bodies of water that have animals that can kill you in one bite with sharks and gators. Humidity so bad you can't tell if you are sweating or just building up condensation like your beer you're having on a tiki deck. Or the fact that there are so many bugs that think humans are a fine delicacy leaving you with welts and blisters that burn and itch. Yep, don't miss that stuff whatsoever. There are a few things I do miss. Like my mom, sister, niece, my in-laws and the many friends I made while I lived there. Oh, and I cannot forget those awesome summer thunderstorms.
There are a few places I do miss when it comes to food as well. These places are in Florida and some places all over the south. We don't have them here in Colorado and sometimes I get a craving that simply cannot satisfied since there is none here.
What are these places? Check out the 5 places I miss that are in Florida:
Great... Now I am craving a bacon jalapeno Whataburger!