Just about everyone complains about changes that happen on Facebook, but most of us get used to, and in some cased actually enjoy, some of the changes. However, Facebook's next change might just be the worst thing they've ever considered doing.

According to Yahoo, 15-second TV-style pop-up ads are coming to Facebook. That's right, video ads could pop up in your news-feed, videos that you may not be able to skip.

You can watch some of the debate in the Yahoo video below. Now, if you're like most Internet users I bet your immediate reaction is to think, "That's it, I'm deleting my Facebook!" But let's be honest, you won't. Especially when 'they' say that you would only see up to three ads per day.

I know they want to make money, but sitting through 30-second ads on YouTube is bad enough. Having to sit through ads to see what's in my news feed might be a little too aggravating for some users.

This is one of those moments when I wish Facebook did have a 'dislike' button.

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